Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Eeeeek (or the nervousness of a first post)

Wine, Guys and Dolls, Tartan. I'm all set.

OK, so it's not a New Year's Resolution, because I don't believe in them, and maybe it's because I'm struggling to get back into 'work' writing after the Christmas break, maybe it's all of the sassy, witty, clever posts I've been seeing with all the things I want to make (ALL the things - more about that later) but I've been toying with the idea of blogging.

I've been a knitter for about 10 years now. Long story short, someone suggested it as a way to help with a stressful job, I picked up my needles, hunted back in my memories of Nan teaching me how to knit Jean Greenhough dolls for school fairs, and off I went. And it helped. It gave me something to stare at that wasn't the blinking red light of doom on the BlackBerry (ah technology) and I got something nice at the end of it. 

Then along came the babies, other peoples' at first, and then mine. And a whole heap of cute little people to knit for. I think this has been my favourite part of knitting. The kids' designs that are out there now are just gorgeous and a million miles away from the comedy jumpers my mum made me and my brother wear.

Along the way, I have tried a few times to get 'properly' into sewing. The ability to make something in a matter of hours, rather than days is definitely appealing, and I have to admit to some silly fantasies of making my own beautiful capsule wardrobe that was chic, but individual. So far, results have been mixed, more to do with my lack of neatness and ability, but I am going to use this year to see if I can chart my progress. 

So here I go. Wish me luck!

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